Élégie für A Friend
這部電影裝置作品探討一個面臨極端選擇的個體臨別之際的心靈體驗。影片以沉浸式音效重現主角臨死前最後一天的心理情境,試圖重現一位跨性別者、雙國籍人士、混血兒所面臨的系統性挑戰。石頭被用來創造一種微妙的懸浮平衡效果,將我作為見證人的日記平衡在尼龍線的末端——這種極具解構的平衡,以「懸掛」為二分法的呈現方式, 象徵著逝者的離世方式,轉化並反映出生命戛然而止的殘酷現實。
沉浸在人工機械和城市環境製造的噪音中,5.1 環繞音效將系統的暴力放大,城市噪音猶如鋼筋混凝土組成了交響樂。徘徊在都市景觀之上,電影的凝視將情境語言與超越有限性的沉思獨白在展覽空間內並置。景觀元素模糊了藝術作品展覽館與集體傷痕哀悼會的界限。

Exploring grief that defies description in the wake of individual's suicide, this filmic installation presents a spectral journey within urban settings—a familiar commute transformed by the lingering echoes of the departed. Traversing liminal spaces, the unseen presence evokes lingering disquiet, acting as a posthumous passage through once-visited locales.
The soundscape blends diverse acoustics with narration from a six-year correspondence between the deceased and their sibling, delivered in an androgynous voice to encapsulate an auditory recollection. Visually, suspended stones balance paper impressions on nylon threads, symbolising the fragile balance between existence and oblivion and reflecting life's tensions amid systemic challenges.
Without a primary human subject, the installation forges a symbiosis between viewer and environment, blurring the lines between exhibition hall and site of collective mourning. This fusion invites reflection on loss, memory, and societal neglect, transforming the space into a contemplative realm that transcends the material.