Dein Und Mein Dasein Und Das Dasein Der Welt
Installation vidéo
10.45 min

无所不在的政治话语形式如何潛移默化地塑造了我们的视角?更具体地说,塑造了我们的 “Dasein”(我們面向世界的存在)?而这在很大程度上是由我们的认知偏差(或者說信息差)决定的。
‘Dein Und Mein Dasein Und Das Dasein Der Welt’ offers a complete audio-visual experience (Gesamtkunstwerk), inviting the viewer on a meditative journey through time and kinaesthetic perception. An imposing aircraft carrier immediately reveals its directional and orchestral presence within the tumultuous ocean. The massive presence of this object, as a symbolic visual structure, is made perceptible by the ocean that surrounds and even embraces it. The ocean, representing the unconscious mass, reveals in its tumults an intrinsic and immutable force. Like dialectical friction, where the past and present, order and chaos, individuality and collectivity intermingle; immersion in this incongruous and exhilarating space-time immerses us in the concrete mass of this military structure, mirroring our subconscious anchorage in the irrevocable dominant force of the collective unconscious.
The key concept here rests on the contradiction between the increasing involvement of individuals in socio-political happenings and the paradoxical difficulty in understanding these events due to the widening information gap and rising entropy. Furthermore, the tension between individual freedom and optimal social functioning has never been more deserving of scrutiny – at the dawn of a globalised era where the boundaries between material and virtual spaces continue to merge. Reflecting the current global tension of rising ultranationalism, this project aims to remind us how the omnipresence of political discursive formations evidently shapes our perspectives, and more specifically our ‘Dasein’ (literally being in the world), which is largely determined by the cognitive biases of our collective consciousness.
The interactive two-channel installation focuses on two powerful symbols: the first aircraft carrier, Liaoning (formerly the Varyag, built by the USSR and acquired by China in 1998), an emblem of structural authority, facing the unpredictable chaos of the ocean in its wildest state; a tsunami, reflecting the uncontrolled and uncontrollable force of the unconscious mass, emerges to confront and crush the hegemonic structure of the military–industrial complex.
Inspired by Ho Tzu Nyen’s project ‘One or Several Tigers’, the visual impact aims not so much to simulate two coordinated oceans as it does to place two screens in a dialectical and synchronised dialogue in the heart of a vast ocean, creating a vertiginous sensation throughout the space. Enhanced by a sound composition that blends historical archives, political speeches, and synthetic sounds—both mechanical and natural. This composition, mixed across 8.2 sound channels, aims to reconfigure the spatial dimension by exploiting the concordance through the face-off of the two images, creating a dimensional trajectory. Ultimately, it seeks to provoke a mental reaction—and an underlying sensory disorientation—between these two monumental interfaces for the viewers.
In the end, the audiovisual experience will evoke a somatic echo, elevating the resonance of individual experiences to an immersive and multifactorial understanding of the dimension of “collective experience”.

Le Fresnoy
International Distribution
Le Fresnoy | Natalia TREBIK